Author: Carmiel Banasky
- Tomas Tranströmer (1)
- IN: The Suicide of Claire Bishop (2015) Fiction, American
EPIGRAPH: Things not yet happened are already here!
I feel that. They're just out there:
a murmuring mass outside the barrier.
They can only slip in one by one.
They want to slip in. Why? They do
one by one. I am the turnstile.
FROM: "Guard Duty", (1971), Poem, Sweden
- James Lord (1)
- IN: The Suicide of Claire Bishop (2015) Fiction, American
EPIGRAPH: On the surface of the table his index finger, as though it were a pencil, moved back and forth across the shiny Formica with the insistent gesture of drawing. His eyes no longer appeared to focus upon any particular object, but rather to see beyond the present place and time. Through his finger as it moved, his entire being seemed to flow from him into the ideal void where reality, untouched and unknown, is always waiting to be discovered.
FROM: A Giacometti Portrait, (1965), Book, US